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Blend everything at 5 speed Product Reviews

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Blend everything at 5 speed

Brand: Kitchen Aid
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 2

Stimulate your inner chef with 5 speed blender. (Report Review)
Aug 11, 2011 by DanaS
Consumer rating: (5)
We received this as a gift during my wedding reception. About three month's back. One thing I notice about Blend everything at 5 speeds is, it is quite sturdy and actually work pretty easier rather than my oster 3 speed blenders. I am a great cook, try to experiment with every known recipe or try to make new recipe. It also makes a great pina colada with all these coconuts, mango or banana. My husband loves this one. I often make pecan pie; I made my pecan sauce in this blender. I cannot deny that Blend everything at 5 speeds has been bringing a new sense of happiness in our domestic life. It has very large glass container, where I can put lot of different thing without worrying about its shape and size. You have choice of 5 speeds, although I always use smoothie or grating settings. One thing you have to remember to close the lid tightly as I noticed it increases its sped with the time you are blending it. These actually created mess of my countertop, when I trying to ground some cinnamon for quite long time. It could easily make a real flavored vegetable juice with carrots and peas. It is real worth of money and real asset for kitchen. It is also dishwasher safe, which is extremely important for my busy schedules. I think it is one of attractive choice for blender if you like to use for your delicious meal.
Pros:  The 48oz and 24oz glass pitcher is perfect for catering any amount of food, you want to blend. The stainless steel blade is, rust free and every efficient in doing its job. It blends consistently and makes it smooth. Stir mode works with all 5 speeds; crushing Ice Mode automatically pulses at regular for best results
Cons:  One thing you cannot ignore about is high noise when running.
5-Speed Blenders with Polycarbonate Jars (Report Review)
Aug 07, 2011 by Blue Eyes
Consumer rating: (5)
I was facing a problem with my older blender due to burn out of its internal kit, and I had searched for a reliable blender for many days on the Internet. I have decided to use five-speed blenders with polycarbonate jars, due to its higher user rankings on different websites. After purchasing, I have made many kinds of a recipe with this, and it has proven itself as one of the best blenders in electronic equipments.

Its features are not comparable to many other low quality blenders in the market. I have found that its power is not lost after using it for many weeks, like in many other cases power will reduce to half after few uses. There are numerous kinds of advertisements on the electronic and print media about different kinds of blenders showing different unique features. Among all of them, I have found this particular blender as one of the best with matchless features and reliable for use in perfect condition for many years.

I have become aware of its fastest blades which are helpful to mix together every kind of edible material that has been poured into its polycarbonate jar. Its jar has been made from un-breakable material, so there is no need to worry about its leakage problem for daily usage. It contains twelve interlocking teeth, which perform blending at more than one thousand rpm.

I can make every kind of natural drink using fruits and ingredients. It is working above my expectation towards the user ranking about this model on the internet. It can blend ice cubes in the couple of seconds to make them ready to use in drink. Its blades are designed to work on a very high rpm and more than 700 watts electric motor. I like its feature of working in five different speeds that are helpful to make a recipe of my own choice by blending softer to harder edible materials.

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