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Bob Strides Fitness Jogger Stroller Product Reviews |
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Love ti! (Report Review)
Aug 26, 2011 by Colton
Consumer rating: (5)
I have purchased many different strollers over the years for
My children but now have compared to the Bob Stroller! It
Is by far the nicest and easiest stroller to push. The comfort
Of the stroller is for the newborn up to the late toddler stages.
I take my Bob Stroller everywhere including malls, the zoo, trips
To the doctors office, jogging, hiking, the apple orchard and trips
To the trails in the mountins. This stroller has shocks that keep
It easy to push and comfy for your child. I have never pushed
A stroller with such ease. The wheels turn easily and this is
Wonderful for rough terraine. I also love the handle on the stroller
Because it is comfortable and soft. My child loves the stroller as much
As I do. I find my kids asking to push my littlest one wherever we are
Because it is so fun to push. I have received many compliments on this
Stroller for just the way it looks. I decided to purchase the dark brown
Stroller with pink. It is absolutley fabulous looking!! You can also store
Many items under the seat and you will never notice they are there. I
Store bottles, cups, chips, and blankets in this area and still have room
For more. It folds up easily too and is not over heavy to load into my
Vehicle. I will never purchase any other brand stroller ever after owning
A Bob Stroller. I have to say beyond anything that the Bob Stroller is
Number one out there and just awesome!! Anyone looking to make
A stroller purchase please check out the Bob Stroller first and then
Last and it will be your choice for sure!! It is so very nice!! The colors
Are awesome that it comes in too. So nice!!
Pros: |
Pushes easy
Very nice design
Perfect! |
Cons: |
none |