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GE FCM7SU Chest Freezer Product Reviews

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GE FCM7SU Chest Freezer

Brand: GE
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 1

great for big families (Report Review)
Oct 12, 2011 by briidope
Consumer rating: (5)
My family and I stock up on food during the winter which means it needs to be frozen. The GE FCM7SU Chest Freezer holds a lot of foods which I like. The GE FCM7SU Chest Freezer also does not use a lot of electricity like other freezers. When you need an extra freezer space then I recommend buying the GE FCM7SU Chest Freezer. You can put ice trays in the little freezer basket that this comes with. The little green light indicates whether it is on or not, and you can adjust the temperature. You really get a lot of room for what you pay for. The GE FCM7SU Chest Freezer can also be great for the garage. The GE FCM7SU Chest Freezer is definitely a great value and I plan on keeping it around. If you are worried about ice build-up then it will not be a problem because that does not happen with the GE FCM7SU Chest Freezer. The sides do not clump with ice like some chest freezers do. I guarantee that if you purchase this freezer you will not be disappointed. The GE FCM7SU Chest Freezer is very well worth the price I paid for it.
Pros:  great size
does not clump with ice

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