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Weslo Cadence 200 Treadmill Product Reviews |
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Inexpensive, portable, good for shorter people (Report Review)
Oct 03, 2011 by Adavliatsh
Consumer rating: (4)
I wanted to loose weight fast after I had my daughter and a treadmill is a great and relatively easy way of doing it. I bought The Weslo Cadence 200 Treadmill from Wal-mart
The treadmill is inexpensive compare to other ones. It is lightweight, easy to assemble and small enough to move from one room to another. I'm 5'5 and it works well for me, but I think taller people may find that they need a longer belt to do their strides. Also if you like to grasp handles while walking you may find them a bit too low to hold, I personally do not like to hold handles so it works great for me.