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Frigidaire Fra18emu2 Air Conditioner Product Reviews

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Frigidaire Fra18emu2 Air Conditioner

Brand: Frigidaire
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 2

It's Pretty COOL!!! (get the joke?) (Report Review)
Aug 27, 2011 by golfcartdriver
Consumer rating: (5)
When i was looking into good, strong houses and finally found one and moved into the house that i use now, it was the cheapest one on the block because on one odd detail about it: it was the biggest, strongest, most professional looking on the block, but it didn't have AIR CONDITIONING!!! That was really a bummer because i really thought i could move into that house, until i found this miracle machine- even in a really big living room, if you hide this away in a little obscure area, i guarantee you that whatever guests you have over at that particular time will say "oh my gosh what air conditioning system do you have, it is so nice and cool in here!" and you say to their awe-struck faces that you don't have air conditioning, you are using the TOP OF THE LINE, FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONER!!!! The one, and only bad thing about this otherwise awesome, professional machine, is that after a couple years of use the motor becomes kind of wheezy and therefore noticeable, but i took it back to the store and they had the air filter changed in a jiffy
Good for the summer time heat. (Report Review)
Aug 24, 2011 by Colton
Consumer rating: (5)
If you're stuck in the summer time heat like some of us are the only escape is to go to your home and enjoy the air conditioning.

I must say that this Frigidaire air conditioner has saved my summer!

It does such an amazing job compared to my last air conditioner that died a few days before I bought this one.

My electric bill has also dropped a few dollars since I picked this one up so I'm guessing that this particular air conditioner doesn't use as much energy as my last one did.

The looks of this air conditioner are pretty nice it has a nice looking display on the front of it and it's pretty easy to setup and use.

The fan speed function is about as easy as it gets and I didn't have any problems setting that up.

Overall the air conditioner does it's job very well and as soon as you click the switch within minutes it's breathing out ice cold air.

If you're using this in a bed room, Living room or office I'm sure you won't have a problem cooling it down in a matter of no time.

If you're looking for a air conditioner that does the job I would definitely recommend this one.
Pros:  Cold air,
Works fast,
Good all around.
Cons:  none.

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