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Aveeno Baby Essential Moisture Hair Shampoo, Lightly Scented Product Reviews |
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Sensitive Shampoo for Sensitive Babies (Report Review)
Aug 12, 2011 by tona37211
Consumer rating: (5)
I love all the Aveeno products for myself and for those who I love. I expect nothing but the best for my children so why would I not want to use the best for my kids. With that said, I use the Aveeno baby products on my children. I want to know that what they are using and what is being used on them is the best for them and with Aveeno, I know that is the case.
The Aveeno baby products are safe enough to be used everyday and are good for making my baby as clean as he possibly can be. The baby wash works for making him squeaky clean as well as making his hair as soft as possible. My son has very thin hair and in many cases, his hair becomes dry from many of the other shampoos that I have tried. With the Aveeno, I do not have to worry that his hair is going to become dry and brittle from using it everyday.
The Aveeno products are also tested to be allergy free therefore eliminating the need to use any type of allergy cream on them from the harsh chemicals and ingredients inside of the baby shampoo and wash. The formula is also tear free and is also fragrance free as well. The only trace of odor left behind is the faint smell of a clean and pampered baby. This cream can be used daily and can nourish even my older sons hair. This alone is a milestone since he was lucky enough to get the thick and course hair.
I will continue to use the Aveeno products until my children are grown and will continue to use them on myself since I know what they can do and since I know what they do not do for my children and their sensitive skin. I can use the babywash and shampoo either by applying it to my hand and then rubbing them or by rubbing them clean with a washcloth.
Pros: |
Sensitive for everyday use.
Can be used on older kids as well. |