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Nespresso Essenza Automatic Esspresso and Coffeemaker C100 Product Reviews

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Nespresso Essenza Automatic Esspresso and Coffeemaker C100

Brand: Nespresso
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 1

Nespresso Essenza C100 – You Like Coffee but They Want Espresso (Report Review)
Aug 11, 2011 by DanaS
Consumer rating: (5)
It is nice to have coffeemaker in the morning or when you need to stay up all night. But what if you want espresso? Luckily, I have found a coffeemaker that can also make lovely espresso. The Nespresso Essenza Automatic Esspresso and Coffeemaker C100 is definitely a better choice than simple coffeemakers especially if it will be used by the whole family.

The Nespresso Essenza C100 automatic espresso and coffeemaker is a good addition to your kitchen. You just need to push a button to start creating a coffee or an espresso. It has an electronic temperature regulation so it ensures that brewing is controlled and will stop automatically.
Pros:  The Nespresso Essenza C100 automatic espresso and coffeemaker has capsules that you can easily insert and can be automatically ejected after use. These capsules play a great role in ensuring that the
amount of coffee ground is perfect for the amount of serving you want. The coffeemaker may come with this or you may need to buy them separately.

The Nespresso Essenza C100 is the only equipment that your family will need despite varying preferences. It is a good buy when you like coffee but they want espresso or cappuccino. It also has special functions for milk. We can choose between the hot milk and the milk-based froth. The unit can provide a creamy froth just like the ones from top notch coffee shops all the time.

Another advantage of this unit is that it is easy to clean. The maintenance for coffeemakers are known to be a daunting task but this one is an exemption.
Cons:  Sometimes, you may need to buy the capsules separately so you will most likely need to spend more money. Another disadvantage is that it is only a single serve unit. It will take more time before you can fill up the cups for the entire family. Nevertheless, the quality of coffee or espresso is worth the wait.

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