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Right Guard Professional Strength Aerosol Product Reviews

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Right Guard Professional Strength Aerosol

Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 1

works and smells great! (Report Review)
Sep 05, 2011 by tessanoel74
Consumer rating: (5)
My husband all of a sudden became allergic to solid deodorants for some reason. He developed a red rash under both underarms so he wanted to try a spray instead.

I came across the Right Guard aerosol spray in Walgreen's and decided to buy it for him to try because I had some register rewards to use towards it. It was quite expensive at $8 a can but was willing to try something to prevent another rash breakout.

My husband has been using the aerosol and has been rash free for that long. It is a great smelling product and lasts a long time. It also keeps him dry throughout his work day.

This product can be found at most mass retailers so it is easily accessible. I paid $8 for one can at Walgreen's but have seen them at Target for around $5 a can. I wish the manufacturer would put out a coupon for this product, but I will continue to purchase it even without a coupon due to the fact that my husband won't break out in a rash using this. I guess we'll pay the extra money if it means he is comfortable.
Pros:  smells great
keeps you dry
won't make you break out in a rash
Cons:  expensive
no coupons available ever

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