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Char-Griller Outlaw Charcoal Product Reviews |
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Cost Effective (Report Review)
Aug 19, 2011 by tona37211
Consumer rating: (5)
When you have to cook for a large number of people at one time, you need to make sure that you have enough space to cook everything at once instead of cooking little by little. If you do not have a grill large enough to handle all the food that needs to be cooked, well then some food is going to be cold before others are cooked. With the Char Griller Outlaw grill, you do not have to worry about that. The grill features a 1000 square inches of cooking space and that is perfect for me since I will use every square inch while cooking.
The cast iron food grates are perfect for making sure that my meat taste as good as possible while making sure that none of the food sticks to the grates. This is a common occurance in many other grills and I do not want to see some of my food lost to sticking on the grates. It also makes it easier for the meat to burn and I do not like burnt meat as well so this is another reason I love this grill.
I like the fact that the cast iron grates are going to cook my food evenly when cooking which is perfect because I would hate to have one burger cooked more or better than another. I want my burger to taste as good as everyone elses burger and with this grill, that is the case.
The cost of the grill is pretty affordable and can be even more affordable if you purchase it towards the end of the year when all the grills go on sale. If you live in an area like I do where you can cook practically all year long on a grill, this would also be a good purchase for you. We use our grill year round and that makes my money go further than ever.
Pros: |
1000 square inches of cooking space |