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Speed Stick Deodorant, Active Fresh Product Reviews |
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all around good (Report Review)
Sep 02, 2011 by rickrusselrocks
Consumer rating: (5)
I have been using old spice for a couple weeks now, and i hate it, it is so sticky and wet, and it sticks to my skin, and more really just makes it worse than makes it better, although the smell of old spice is good though, but still, nothing can compare to this thing, it is the best i have tried in years, in fact all my years of deodorants, the Speed Stick Deodorant Active Fresh is amazing, it smells good, it works well, and all in all it lasts longer too, i mean, what more can i ask for in a deodorant, it works so well, even though it is a little bit more expensive than regular deodorants, it still does the job, and it does the job WELL! SO THANK YOU SPEED STICK, you once again have given me a really good, nice smell, works well, deodorant that i have been using a lot lately, i just a couple minutes ago threw out my supply of horrible Old Spice brand deodorant, and just got my new fresh supply of AMAZING, speed stick brand deodorant. SO all in all, if you want something that smells god and doesn't get sticky then use this deodorant. GO SPEED STICK!
Great and doesn't feel wet. (Report Review)
Sep 01, 2011 by Colton
Consumer rating: (5)
I've been using speed stick for a few years now because it doesn't leave that nasty wet moist feeling under your arm when you apply it.
The best part I find about this deodorant is that the smell stays on you all day and doesn't let disgusting odors come through.
The bottle it comes in last me about 6 to 7 months personally mainly because I go heavy in the summer and go very light in the winter.
It's very affordable for the most part I mean it not very much higher than the lowest priced deodorant.
It applies very nicely and because it doesn't leave that wet moist feeling it feels completely natural.
The quality of this deodorant stands out to me compared to others that I've tried because the smell honestly doesn't fade throughout the day.
In fact you can go swimming and everything but this stuff still seems to stay intact surprisingly.
I really do love this stuff and I highly recommend it to anyone needing a great quality deodorant that doesn't want to play games with the little kid stuff.
This stuff works very good and doesn't mess around.
Pros: |
Stays on for hours!
Last very long,
Very Affordable,
Amazing smell. |
Great deodorant! (Report Review)
Aug 23, 2011 by tanvu
Consumer rating: (5)
I ran out of my usual Axe spray deodorant so I went to Walmart to get a new one. The Axe deodorant was really strong and my wife found it as a turn off so I decided to get a new brand. As I was looking through all the deodorants, they were all really expensive until Speed Stick Deodorant popped up. The other ones were around $5 and up but this one was only $3. I was really surprised. It sounds like it's good and it's only $3 so I gave it a try. In the end, it was worth a buy. It smells wonderful like the bottle said. I love the smell, even my wife does too. The other thing is that it works really well. After 24 hours, it still smells really good. With the price cheap, the fantastic scent, and the protection, this is a must buy deodorant. Another good thing for me is the bottle. The bottle looks really cool and that's always a good thing. So if you guys out there are looking for a good deodorant, I really recommend this one.
Pros: |
- very good price
- smells super nice
- works efficiently
- protect your armpit for a long period of time. |
Cons: |
