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E.L.F Eyelash Curler Product Reviews |
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I love it (Report Review)
Aug 25, 2011 by efrance36
Consumer rating: (5)
I need an eyelash curler after my old drug store one broke after a couple weeks of use and I was tired of buying expensive replacement pads so I bought this from the E.L.F website.
First of all, the packaging was adorable and to top it off, this eyelash curler was only $1! I thought that it would be a disappointment, but hey, it was only a dollar, so there was nothing to lose. When I received the package, it was smaller than I was expected, but that didn't really effect me because it just meant that it'll take up less room in my purse. When I first curled my lashes with this, the only thing different I noticed from my $10 usual curler was than I had to hold it a little longer, but to fix that, I just blew dry the curler for a couple seconds, and my lashes were curled in a couple of seconds. I've been using this eyelash curler for a bit over a year now and it works amazing! I don't even have to buy replacement pads because just a little baby soap and water will do the trick. I am never going to go back to expensive eyelash curlers again and I recommend this for anyone trying to save money!
Pros: |
-super cheap
-small, so you can bring it with you anywhere
-easy to use
-doesn't rip out your eyelashes |
Cons: |
-takes a bit of a long time to curl your lashes, so just use a blow dryer and heat it up for 5 seconds & it'll do the trick! |