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Frigidaire FRA053PU1 Portable Air Conditioner Product Reviews

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Frigidaire FRA053PU1 Portable Air Conditioner

Brand: Frigidaire
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 2

Portable? AMAZING! (Report Review)
Aug 29, 2011 by MustachedPillow
Consumer rating: (5)
When I first saw this air conditioner at the store, I thought, "A portable air conditioner? This is just what I need!"
So I bought it, and I don't regret it. It is great for road trips, because you can bring it in your hotel rooms to keep cool and clear out all the pollutants that the previous guests left behind.

But the best thing about this remarkable air conditioner is that it comes with a REMOTE CONTROL. Now you don't have to get up, walk into the other room, push some buttons, realized you pushed the wrong buttons, go back and push buttons again, and then sit back down on the couch. All that hassle, GONE. I love it!

Overall, this amazing little Frigidaire Portable Air Conditioner is just what a family should get for all their air conditioning needs.
Keep Cool Wherever You Go (Report Review)
Aug 11, 2011 by DanaS
Consumer rating: (5)
Air conditioners such as the Frigidaire FRA053PU1 Portable Air Conditioner are an essential part of any modern house. The air that we breathe tends to be heavily polluted with many things ranging from natural odors to factory and motor vehicle fumes. Taking in this kind of air for too long has been linked with many health conditions. With an air conditioner like the Frigidaire FRA053PU1 Portable Air Conditioner it will no longer be necessary to subject ourselves and our families to such risks. The main features of this air conditioner include an antimicrobial filter, swing air directional control and a clean air ionizer. This air conditioner has a 5000 BTU cooling capacity which makes it perfect for cleaning small rooms of up to 290 square feet in size. It has electronic controls and a full function remote control. This air conditioner is also capable of going into sleep mode.
Pros:  its portability mean that this air conditioner can be comfortably moved to any room that you want to use it in. The electronic controls are okay but the remote control is even better and you can easily adjust the air flow without having to move from your seat. The antimicrobial filter is what will ensure that the air you breather will remain clean and bacteria free always. The sleep mode is also an effective power saver in case you don't switch off the air conditioner. The swing air directional control ensures that the cool air will always be where it's needed the most. The fans are adjustable about three speeds which enable you to always get what you want from your air conditioner. It is also quite cost effective.
Cons:  It is not effective in rooms that are any larger than 290 square feet in size which makes them more or less limited in terms of areas of application.

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