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Sharp R-230 800 Watts Microwave Oven Product Reviews |
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A great everyday use microwave (Report Review)
Oct 11, 2011 by Mamagail
Consumer rating: (5)
The Sharp R-230K Carousel 800 watts microwave oven is a good compact microwave for everyday use. It has eleven preset power levels, and also a setting so you can automatically switch from up to 3 different power levels but i have never used this. It has defrost settings, and also shortcuts for melting/softening and warming. We use the microwave a lot for popcorn (which it also has a setting for). I use it for heating up coffee, making hot chocolate, and instant hot cereal. We also use it quite for a bit for single serving meals like Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, etc. It work wells for heating up leftovers, and instant mashed potatoes. I have also had good luck with baked potatoes. Even though i have had it for going on 4 years now it still works well every time. Their is a 10 3/4" round glass plate on a plastic turntable that you can remove to wash. I do unplug the microwave before large storms. We got it on sale at Meijers for $49 which has been a great deal for how much it gets used.
Pros: |
Dependable even after a lot of use
Easy to clean |
Cons: |
none |