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Apple iPod Shuffle 3rd Generation Blue (2 GB) MP3 Player Product Reviews

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Apple iPod Shuffle 3rd Generation Blue (2 GB) MP3 Player

Brand: Apple
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 2

Great (Report Review)
Aug 21, 2011 by Neon
Consumer rating: (5)
This is the 3rd generation iPod Shuffle. It comes with 2gb memory, which is approximately 500, 3 minute songs. This is plenty for a shuffle because you can\'t choose what songs get play. So 500 of the best songs you like is plenty enough. I actually prefer this to the 4th generation because it is much bigger and sturdy. The 4th generation iPod shuffle is way too small and easy to lose. This 3rd generation is the right size and a perfect fit for tight jeans pocket.

The controls of this iPod are simply amazing. It is very easy to use. It comes with a polished steel attachment clip. It has a very economic design; instead of having the track and volume control on the actual iPod, it is located on the earphones. The buttons on the earphones allow the user to change between playlists, see the song title and artist of the track playing, as well as play/pause the song, change the song, and increase/decrease the volume. It also comes in many different color such as silver, black, pink, blue, and green. It also features a cool program called voice-over, which reads to you song names, artist names, album names and playlist contents in 20 different languages! When opening the ipod, a song is automatically played. So you waste no time in jamming to the music. Like all the other shuffle, the price is very cheap. Unlike it\'s counterpart, the Ipod touch which can go above $200. This ipod shuffle is under $50. It is a perfect gift for your son or daughter, who maybe are not just ready yet to handle and ipod touch.
Pros:  Perfect size
Cons:  None!
Good For Music Files (Report Review)
Aug 11, 2011 by tona37211
Consumer rating: (5)
When it comes to the smallest MP3 player on the market, the Apple Ipod Shuffle 3rd generation is the pic. The small MP3 player is going to allow you to have a MP3 player that can be taken anywhere that you want to take it to since it fits in nearly everything. The cord for the ear buds are almost as big as the Ipod itself and it will allow you to fit the ipod inside of your hand easily.

I like the fact that the Ipod is within reach as well as the buttons are there allowing you to change the song or skip a song when you want to. The play and pause button are good for stopping and starting to listen to music as well as skipping and reversing a song. If you do not know where your ipod is, then simply pull the cord and reach around until you find the end of your cord and you will find your MP3 player. Its that simple to keep an eye on your mp3 player next time.

I like the fact that my MP3 player will walk to me and that it has a voice over feature that other mp3 players do not have. You can listen to the mp3 player and know who the song is sung by simply by listening to the voiceover. Not only will it tell you who the song is sung by but it can also tell you who and what songs are on your mp3 player.

I also love the fact that the controls for the MP3 player are found on the ear phone cord. This makes it easy to control the mp3 player and to make sure that I have all the controls within my reach easily. I also like the fact that the mp3 player is able to hold a large number of my music files since it comes in a 2 GB and 4 GB holding system. I will have a large number of hours to listen to music and this is important for me since I use this to fall asleep to each night.
Pros:  Is small.
Smaller model than most
Cons:  Could be a bit bigger.
Should have controls on the unit itself so if I lost my earphones, I could still change songs

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