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Oster BRCY07-B15 Blender Product Reviews |
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Oster BRCY07-B15 Blender (Report Review)
Oct 14, 2011 by lahiri22
Consumer rating: (3)
The Oster BRCY07-B15 Blender is the longtime blender model that my parents have been using. To be honest, I think it is high time that they upgrade their blender as the Oster BRCY07-B15 Blender is not really that great at all. They still like using a blender that they are familiar with since they are not that technologically advanced. The Oster BRCY07-B15 Blender works for simple tasks, but I often find that the Oster BRCY07-B15 Blender is way too loud and overheats way too quickly. The Oster BRCY07-B15 Blender makes a ton of noise grinding up ice for instance. In addition, I find that the lid of the Oster BRCY07-B15 Blender does not fit all that well into the blender jar which often happens when both the blender lid and the blender jar are made out of cheaply constructed plastic as the Oster BRCY07-B15 Blender is. Overall, I would definitely not recommend the Oster BRCY07-B15 Blender. There are a ton of superior models on the market right now, and there is no reason to defer to the Oster BRCY07-B15 Blender.