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GoLite Pursuit Pack 3100cu in Product Reviews

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GoLite Pursuit Pack 3100cu in

Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 2

Backpack for Amateaurs and Professionals. (Report Review)
Aug 29, 2011 by tona37211
Consumer rating: (5)
This backpack is great because it is made from nylon which means that it is stretchable. The frame sheet is good for making sure that it stays in one spot while wearing the backpack. I also like that the backpack is hydration compatible. The one thing that I do not like about this backpack is that the strap going across the torso is not adjustable and is custom fit almost. The sleeping bag compartment is good for keeping track of your sleeping bag instead of worrying about what bag the sleeping bag is in as well as if you grabbed the bag with the sleeping bag in it.

It does not come with a rain cover which is also not a good thing which means that on the days when it rains, the stuff inside of the bag is going to get wet. I would rather that this bag came with a way to cover it so that the items inside would not get wet.

The backpack comes with a large assortment of pockets compared to some of the other backpacks that I have seen such as a external pocket on the front, a pocket on the lid and a hip belt pocket. There is a snowboard carry vertical location and there is a place for the ice pick axe to be carried while on board. There is also a shovel pocket which is important for those times when you are backpacking and need to have your shovel on board. The weight of this pack is not bad since it only weighs 3 pounds. This backpack is good for hiking and snowboarding as well as skiing.

I would highly recommend this backpack to anyone who is looking to take a backpacking trip such as hiking up a mountain or hiking down a gorge. Either way, this is the backpack that you want.
Pros:  has a assortment of pockets and carryon areas for tools
Cons:  is not adjustable across the torso.
Very Light and Handy (Report Review)
Aug 23, 2011 by DGSFreelancer
Consumer rating: (5)
When we go fishing for largemouth bass, we trek to a place where not to many people have been, or even had heard about. You are more likely to catch fish on a remote lake, as compared to lakes that are populated and the fish population effected by this factor. So we endure a heavy hike through the bush, to reach the nearest waterway. We carry our canoes, tents, and four to five days of supplies for a few kilometres to a small lake that is branched off two other small lakes. There are three portages and it would take about 2/3 of a day to hike in and have camp setup.

We unload our cars off the gravel road near a river in Ontario Canada, and carry our gear in the woods for a few kilometres to the nearest creek. Our pack bags near, and even surpass, in the weight range of around 100 lbs each, depending on the back pack capacity. One of the packs was a GoLite Pursuit Pack, it was one of the smaller bags but it was packed with heavy gear. Its sleek design caught my attention, the GoLite pack did not look very big and heavy, but it was strategically packed with a total of about 4 litters of water in all its pouches. I think the pack's weight capacity was being exceeded, but this trip would be a test for all the gear we were bringing in for this fishing trip.

During the hike into our remote future campsite, we took a few breaks, and after the break we would take turns carrying heavier back packs to alleviate strain on each other. I ended up carrying the GoLite Pursuit back pack for the last leg of our hike. I was first impressed with the adjustable stays and mouldable frame, but what really hit home with me was, the comfort the pack had when I buckled it onto my back. The straps and hip mould fitted nicely and the weight of the bag was well distributed. My last portage to our favourite remote largemouth bass lake was very comfortable thanks to the GoLite pack.
Pros:  A very compact pack with a good load capacity.
Cons:  It did not belong to me.

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