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HD Tune Pro Product Reviews |
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Great testing utility. (Report Review)
Sep 04, 2011 by Colton
Consumer rating: (5)
I fix a lot of computers and check computers that people bring in to ensure that there is no other problems with the system to avoid downtime for the customer.
This is the only hard drive testing tool I use because it works so flawlessly and it also gives you such great detail about the hard drives health.
I've been using HD Tune Pro for the past 2 years now and they are always updating it to ensure you're getting the greatest software available with minimal glitches.
HD Tune Pro thoroughly test you hard drive to make sure it doesn't have any bad sectors or bad spin up times.
If your hard drive is in bad health it will tell you through the diagnostic test that is has built into it.
This program is very accurate too it hasn't ever told me a false reading.
Any test that ever shows bad the hard drive dies within a few weeks normally so it's very accurate.
I absolutely love HD Tune pro because it works so good and doesn't give false readings.
It's a must have for any person wanting to run a diagnostic test on your computers hard drive.
Pros: |
Works well,
Doesn't give false readings,
Very accurate,
Easy to use. |
Cons: |
Absolutely Zero. |