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Emjoi After Epilation Cream Hair Remover Legs Body Product Reviews

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Emjoi After Epilation Cream Hair Remover Legs Body

Rating: (2.50)
Reviews: 2

Confusing directions (Report Review)
Sep 22, 2011 by MustachedPillow
Consumer rating: (1)
I bought this product a while ago, thinking that it was a good hair removal product, but I was wrong. I think that it's very overpriced, and the burning sensation is just horrible! It did take away all of my leg hair though, which is good, but I could not stand the burning and would not buy this again. The worst thing about this product was the directions on the bottle. I couldn't understand what to do with it until I looked it up on my computer to see what I was supposed to do with the cream and how I was supposed to apply it. Another thing that I don't like was the smell. It just smelled like harsh chemicals, which is probably all that this is, and the stench stayed in my bathroom for a few days after I used it. I suggest that you buy a more well-known brand of product, because before I saw this at the store I had no clue that Emjoi was even a company. Overall, the Emjoi After Epilation Cream Hair Remover smells horrible, has bad directions, and has a horrible burning sensation that's almost unbearable. Please do not buy this product!
its okay (Report Review)
Sep 22, 2011 by briidope
Consumer rating: (4)
I bought the Emjoi After Epilation Cream Hair Remover Legs Body a while ago and I was truly surprised on how good it worked. At first I was confused by the directions but I soon understood it. There was a slight burning when I used the Emjoi After Epilation Cream Hair Remover Legs Body. It did take away all my hair which I did not think it would. This was a little expensive and I do not think I would buy again. The quality of thsi product is good for this price though. I would not recommend Emjoi After Epilation Cream Hair Remover Legs Body because of the stinging. It almost got unbearable. I was surprised to find this on here because this is not a well known brand of hair remover. I will probably just have to stick to my usual Nair because that is what works best for me I find. Never trust a company you dont know. I overall Like this product but would not buy it again. Overall, I like the product but the smell is bad also. I will continue buying nair products because they smell okay and not bad.

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