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Bose Lifestyle V20 Theater System Product Reviews |
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Sounds Good for Movies (Report Review)
Aug 04, 2011 by DGSFreelancer
Consumer rating: (3)
I spent a lot of time doing my product research before I went out to spend a few thousand dollars on a sound system. The last system I bought was in the mid 1990’s, I spent a $2,500 and have been very happy with it, but finally decided it was time to step it up and get into the digital era. I looked at all the famous brand names like Technics, Hitachi, Cerwin Vaga and all. I never in mind had considered Bose until I saw to nice compact theatre system.
I always remembered Bose as being an out of the norm sound system, but now it seems they have expanded into store bought systems. I spent $1775.00 on this one particular system, and am happy I got it. As soon as I got home and pulled this baby out of its box, I immediately put it to the test. Let me tell you, the sound that is pumped out of these Bose speakers cannot compare to the old system! I was pleased with the mid range sound, it makes movie watching feel like you are part of it.
As for playing music through this sound system, well I still prefer my old Cerwin Vegas. There seem to be missing some pitch, I figure that this system was built for mid size rooms. My entertainment room is 20’x20’ and it seems like I have to change sound settings when switching from movie watching to music listening. I wonder if I should return it and get the higher end up Bose V30 system.