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Ultimate 2 Home Gym Product Reviews

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Ultimate 2 Home Gym

Brand: Bowflex
Rating: (4.50)
Reviews: 2

Use it every day. (Report Review)
Sep 02, 2011 by Colton
Consumer rating: (5)
I love the bowflex ultimate gym 2!

Working out was always a big thing for me I feel that if I don't work out a few days of the week I feel very weak.

as soon as I bought his bowflex ultimate gym 2 I started noticing pretty good results about a month after using it.

If you're not trying to lose weight and you want to gain weight for muscles I recommend taking a good protein mix because it really does help gain weight and muscle.

If you're looking for a protein to start with I would recommend Syntha 6 or optimum nutrition natural oats and whey protein.

There is so many arm and leg exercises you can do on this ultimate gym 2.

I use it for about 20 to 30 minutes and day and when I do I go pretty heavy on it and don't take many breaks.

The arm bar is nice because you're able to work the muscles underneath your arm and the legs work your knee muscles pretty good.

Overall it's a great thing to have at your house and even if it doesn't replace the gym it's still very nice to use and have at your house.

If you want to see improvements I recommend buying the bowflex ultimate gym 2.

I notice improvements and if you do this correctly and don't skip you will too!
Pros:  Nice improvements,
I feel like I'm in shape,
Easy to set up,
Great results.
Cons:  none.
Home Gym to fulfill your dreams for body building (Report Review)
Aug 14, 2011 by Blue Eyes
Consumer rating: (4)
Ultimate Home Gym is a dreamy product for any person who is looking for to have a body building exercise at home. It is present in six different boxes, and with different other necessary attachments. I have purchased this form the Internet, and I have got six boxes at my place in a next couple of days.

It took about sixteen hours to assemble these accessories together at my home for very first use. This time may vary user to a user, because it depends upon how much, you are interested in this assemble the task. I am okay after its perfect installation at my home, and now I am able to do body building exercise at my door step.

I also have got a video CD with this product made on how to do healthy exercises at home without any instructor. If you have already got this machine and missing your CD, there is no need to worry about this. You can download related videos from the internet that have been made by many professional instructors.

I have done different courses of exercise at this home gym, and I am pleased to see the final result of a body. I am a very busy person, and I do not have any extra time to go to a gym for exercise in the morning, and so I decided to install this gym in my home. This multi-purpose gym has reshaped my bulky body to give it an attractive look after one month of continuous usage.

I will not recommend any miraculous medicine that has been advertised to lose your extra fats in few seconds, never go behind them. Every natural process requires a certain time to complete, and if extra fats have been built in your body, they will never be removed in few seconds. However, a constant exercise will burn these fats and will give a perfect shape to your body. If you are a busy person like me, you can install this Ultimate Home Gym at your place to live healthy life.

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