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Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Product Reviews

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Microsoft Office 2010 Professional

Brand: Microsoft
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 1

A must have! (Report Review)
Sep 04, 2011 by Colton
Consumer rating: (5)
I've been using this for studying and business and I must say this software has really saved me from hours of work.

I absolutely love Microsoft Office 2010 Profession Edition.

Word 2010 is amazing because it allows me to formatting effects to my images and I can even add shadows to my text!

I'm able to shove screen shots into word 2010 also and re size them and make them able to print it actually looks very professional because I'm able to line them up wherever I want them.

Excel 2010 is also great and it allows me to do my business taxes and it gives me all of my information that I need to know on charts.

I absolutely love PowerPoint that comes with with it because embed files to my presentations and it also allows me to use slides.

I haven't really got to try OneNote very much so I'm not able to tell you what my highlights of that are.

Publisher 2010, access 2010 and Outlook 2010 also look very good I just haven't really played around with them yet but Outlook looks like a great new email client and I'll probably try that later on.

Overall it's very good to have if you're a business owner or student.

I love Microsoft Office 2010!
Pros:  Such a nice design on all the application included,
Works very smoothly and fast,
Lots of software included,
Easy to use for the most part.
Cons:  Expensive.

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