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Frigidaire FRA054XT7 5000 BTU Thru-Wall/Window Air Conditioner Product Reviews |
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Frigidaire FRA054XT7 Adds to Quality of Life (Report Review)
Aug 11, 2011 by DanaS
Consumer rating: (5)
The quality, comfort and consistency of air conditioners are the reasons they become essential part of people’s lives. They are the right medium to maintain the room temperature as needed. Air conditioner manufacturers make portable units that fit consumer requirements. The strong demand of these units nowadays gives rise to the introduction of the Frigidaire FRA054XT7 5000 BTU Thru-Wall/Window Air Conditioner.
This air conditioning unit is the right one for rooms with a size of 165 square feet. It features an air discharge with a full width and rotary controls. Its antimicrobial filter lessens room odors and bacteria that may block the convenience and comfort of the room. This unit comes with a pleated mounting kit to quickly mount windows which makes this air conditioner easy to install.
Pros: |
The quality, comfort and consistency of air conditioners are the reasons they become essential part of people’s lives. They are the right medium to maintain the room temperature as needed. Air conditioner manufacturers make portable units that fit consumer requirements. The strong demand of these units nowadays gives rise to the introduction of the Frigidaire FRA054XT7 5000 BTU Thru-Wall/Window Air Conditioner.
This air conditioning unit is the right one for rooms with a size of 165 square feet. It features an air discharge with a full width and rotary controls. Its antimicrobial filter lessens room odors and bacteria that may block the convenience and comfort of the room. This unit comes with a pleated mounting kit to quickly mount windows which makes this air conditioner easy to install. |
Cons: |
This Frigidaire air conditioner runs quietly and its motor turns itself on and off to keep every room at the same temperature being set. The installation of this unit is a breeze. You can set it up in just 10 minutes which is really painless. It has an excellent thermostat that is better than inexpensive colder/hotter dials without temperature reference. It is available with a remote that allows you to change the settings without the need to go over to it all the time. It also has a programmable mode which can be set to cycle the air conditioner on and off to keep the temperatures you set. This unit is compact, sturdy and light but powerful enough to keep medium-sized and high ceiling room cool. |