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Maxi Matic EKA921OB toaster oven Product Reviews |
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Maxi Matic EKA921OB toaster oven (Report Review)
Oct 13, 2011 by briidope
Consumer rating: (2)
I bought this oven online a few years ago because I was looking for a small toaster oven, nothing special. I thought that the Maxi Matic EKA921OB toaster oven would fit on my countertop and it did. The only thing is that it is TOO small. You might have to watch what you are cooking because it just might set your place on fire. You can only use the Maxi Matic EKA921OB toaster oven for toast. You cannot put a lot of large things in this. I was scared to put anything else in this toaster oven after the first time I used it because it seemed to be getting too hot. I do not like that you cannot turn the ticking off until the timer goes off. If the Maxi Matic EKA921OB toaster oven it would be so much better. Otherwise, it is just a contraption that crowded my countertop. I would not recommend this to anyone that I know because it does not seem to be designed with the customers in mind. Indeed, it is only 19.99 and you get what you pay for. I think that if you buy a 30 or 40 dollar toaster oven then you would be getting a better value.
Nice and Easy! (Report Review)
Sep 30, 2011 by qahtesham
Consumer rating: (3)
I was convinced to buy this oven because of its low price. I thought the price was a mistake but it was not, I had to triple check the price was correct. How can they sell this so cheap I wondered? W ell I was getting a fairly bare bones toaster oven. The fact here remains that it is the cheapest almost to any plain toaster available. Yet can be used as a small oven: means that this is absolutely amazing value. It is actually hard to believe this price. I am easy to use this oven because it has few simple knobs to control. I have heard many complain about this but it a help rather than hindrance. Many people do not like LCD displays and the like, thinking it another thing to go wrong. Am quite impressed by this oven toaster it is simple to use and much effective, it doesnât look half bad either. I want to tell whoever thinks he or she can get a cheaper oven toaster product than this, then you canât get better than this. The performance by this oven toaster is highly recommendable since I have been using it no disappointments along. With a slide out oven rack a toasting pan and more all included in the price am sure that I does anything from cook 4 slices of toast to make a meal in oven with ease. This is a fantastic bargain and I certainly canât say that it is not worth the money, that for sure. To be on the safer side I can urge anyone willing to purchase a toaster oven to rush in the market and get this hot product. I am sure this product has the cheapest price in many outlets today