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Samsung intensity 2 Product Reviews |
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colorful, cheerful! (Report Review)
Sep 29, 2011 by qahtesham
Consumer rating: (4)
I am not stranger to sequels in cell phones world, and now I have Samsung intensity makes worthy update for Verizonâs lineup. What made me to choose this gadget it had the larger screen than its predecessor, but I tried to use it in direct sunlight and it was difficult to, it has the full QWERTy keyboard which made me to use it with ease this is the best feature to be recommended, I was happy about the e-mail tools and its messaging which is solid additionally it has the navigation extras. The attractive compact design and eco-conscious construction is a bonus. When I wanted to use the silent mode I choose it, this I applied it when I was in the meeting or busy somewhere else. With the room for 1,000 contacts in the phones address by which I stored many contacts than one can imagine, there is room for friends, family and more others .i have added the contacts to a caller group and paired them with a photo. Not forgetting other features like calculator which I uses to my sums especially when am travelling an alarm clock which wakes me every early morning everyday. the USB mass storage which is one of my favorite in this phone, stereo Bluetooth is onboard, as is a mobile web browser (WAP) .the negative side of this phone is that the navigation keys are little cramped, 2.2mm headset is convenient I downloaded the music directly to the phone and call quality is better .the Samsung intensity 2 is nice midrange phone for teens, the next step I am taking is to buy my son this phone as his birthday present, thanks to its social networking and communications tools. This is the best thing that happened to my life.