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Simmons Deep Sleep Mount Sill Mattress, Plush Product Reviews |
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Simmons Deep Sleep Mount Sill Mattress, Plush (Report Review)
Sep 12, 2011 by lahiri22
Consumer rating: (4)
I think that the Simmons Deep Sleep Mount Sill Mattress, Plush is a great overall mattress to own. My parents have had their Simmons Deep Sleep Mount Sill Mattress, Plush for over ten years, and they have been relatively satisfied with their Simmons Deep Sleep Mount Sill Mattress, Plush. The best thing about the Simmons Deep Sleep Mount Sill Mattress, Plush is that it has the right balance between softnes and firmness. I personally do not like sleeping on mattresses that are too squishy and soft. My favorite mattresses are the ones that have some firmness, which I think is really important for proper back support and a good nigjht's rest. The Simmons Deep Sleep Mount Sill Mattress, Plush meets all of these requirements, and for these reasons, I would suggest purchasing a Simmons Deep Sleep Mount Sill Mattress, Plush. Even though Simmons mattresses are expensive, a mattress is something that you will use everyday, so consider it an investment in your long- term health if you are concerned about the price.
Amazing! (Report Review)
Sep 11, 2011 by divas12321
Consumer rating: (5)
I love this mattress so much. I've had mattress for about 3 years now?? and it's still super comfortable. I love the feel of the mattress. It's super soft but then has this nice bounce to it. And the good thing is that it makes no springing sound like those cheap mattresses do. I would roll around and move a lot when I go to sleep so this type of mattress is perfect for me and my hubby. Another thing I like is how cheap it is. Most mattress now a days would costs more than $500 for a good mattress. But this one, it's just so cheap. Like the other user said, I really respect Simmons because of this. It's such an affordable mattress that just works amazingly. I bought 2 of this mattresses ever since. One for me, and one for my kid. I've been having a good night sleep ever since. I really recommend this mattress. It's affordable, it's so soft but has the right bounce and hardness to it, and it's just an amazing mattress overall. I super recommend it. It's the best mattress I've ever used.
Holiday Inn Rocks! (Report Review)
Sep 10, 2011 by golfcartdriver
Consumer rating: (5)
As i have written in i think all of my reviews, i am a vice president for a big company, and i am on business trips a lot, and one of the mattresses that i have tried is this mattress, it is just so springy, just like another person said, but unlike that other person, i love the springy feeling in mattresses, because it makes it feel more reactive, i don't like the mattresses that don't have any spring to them, because oddly enough, i think the spring actually HELPS to rejuvenate me, so i think anyone that is like me and likes a little spring to their mattress, i think that they should get this mattress, and if you are just a person that is loyal to simmons, i think that simmons has done it again with this awesome mattress, thank you simmons for giving a mattress to holiday inn for me to try, and of course, i loved it, so, to this day, i am an honorary simmons lover, and anyone that wants a good mattress, that probably lasts a long time, feels good and soft, and has a bit of a spring to it, get this mattress!
Good Matress (Report Review)
Sep 09, 2011 by baddalek
Consumer rating: (4)
A great mattress, very comfortable.
Pros: |
Good and firm. |
Cons: |
A little to springy. |
so comfortable (Report Review)
Sep 09, 2011 by leslienguyen25
Consumer rating: (5)
before i had this mattress, i had a queen size bed that would always make noise when i move. it was so annoying and ruins my sleep. even if i just roll around, it would make noise and wake up me and my husband. that's why we decided it's time to get a new mattress. so we went to ashley's and look for a new mattress. we checked out a lot of mattresses but decided on this one since it's one of the cheapest and plus it feels super comfortable. so after setting everything up, it's the first time sleeping in a new bed. and i can say, it feels so amazing. this bed is astonishing. it's super cheap, i got it for only around $300 at ashleys. the best thing is just how the bed feels. it's not super soft that it feels so smushy. the best part is that it does not make any noise at all. i would try jumping and stomping and rolling but it would not make noise. after days of sleeping on this bed, i can say it makes me sleep much longer and better. no longer do i have headaches for not sleeping enough or backaches because of the bed. this mattress is just amazing!
