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Panasonic Expandable Digital Cordless DECT 6.0 Phone System Product Reviews |
Recent Reviews View all Cordless Home Phones Products Reviews |
Very convenient (Report Review)
Oct 07, 2011 by Adavliatsh
Consumer rating: (5)
Good phone, very convenient to have two phones too. I like that you can regulate volume on both the ring tone and speaker. It looks nice too, very modern, yet looks good with wooden furniture.
Absolutely Perfect (Report Review)
Aug 22, 2011 by jonathon
Consumer rating: (5)
Out of all the home phones I have, I can tell you that this is one of the best. Everything from the model to the settings are perfect. Nothing left to say. But I'll get into the details.
- The design.. it looks gorgeous and can fit in any house. The phone holds perfectly in your hand and when you type, the screen lights up which in my opinion is really cool.
- The settings.. it's super easy to change the ringtone, volume, and other settings. There are lots of ringtone! I would have love it if you can record music and put it as your ringtone but oh well. It's still cool.
- There's a speaker phone. LOL of course nowadays all home phones have speaker phones but I think it's cool cause my old home phones doesn't have speaker phone.
- The buttons are super comfortable and easy to type. Unlike other home phones I had (which are hard to press on the numbers), this one is simply easy and comfortable.
I have nothing else to say. I just love this home phone! So if you're planning on purchasing a home phone, remember about this one! You won't regret it!
Pros: |
- Lots and Easy Settings
- Comfortable Buttons
- Sleek Design |
Cons: |