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Got this as a gift (Report Review)
Aug 29, 2011 by briidope
Consumer rating: (4)
When i first saw this stroller i thought it was so cute and has a nice modern design. Its very easy to use and push and my baby had such a good time riding in it. It protects my baby from the sun which i really like and it allows him to move around if he needs to.
Pros: |
easy to steer.
protection from sun rays.
cute designs
affordable cost. |
Everything stroller! (Report Review)
Aug 22, 2011 by lovell3
Consumer rating: (4)
After my old stroller fell apart, I decided I wanted a 'city' style stroller but did not want to dish out $225 plus accessories for the most popular model. This stroller has it all, huge basket, huge sunshade, cup holders for everyone and never flat tires. The reversible seat is great when, even at almost 2, my toddler gets overwhelmed and needs quiet time.
Pros: |
Great storage and shade. Reversible seat helps fussy times. |
Cons: |
Heavy |