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Fire Magic FireMaster 3324 Charcoal Grill Product Reviews |
Recent Reviews View all Charcoal Barbeques Products Reviews |
Great for outdoor kitchens (Report Review)
Nov 02, 2011 by briidope
Consumer rating: (4)
The Fire Magic FireMaster 3324 Charcoal Grill is a great great for whoever wants to grill traditionally using coals or wood. The Fire Magic FireMaster 3324 Charcoal Grill has two pans underneath to do just that. The food will reflect whatever you put in those pans. I like that the Fire Magic FireMaster 3324 Charcoal Grill is made of durable steel. Food comes out tasting fantastic and juicy. I would recommend the Fire Magic FireMaster 3324 Charcoal Grill to you if you want a charcoal grill with all these features. The Fire Magic FireMaster 3324 Charcoal Grill is a little expensive for something of its size but I think it is near worth it. The Fire Magic FireMaster 3324 Charcoal Grill was made originally to drop into your kitchen outside. If you do not have an outdoor kitchen then this probably would not be the best choice of a grill for you. The The Fire Magic FireMaster 3324 Charcoal Grill would only burn the surface that you put it on once you start the fire and all. Otherwise, I love the The Fire Magic FireMaster 3324 Charcoal Grill.