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Cuisinart CSB-76 Handheld Blender Product Reviews |
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Cuisinart CSB-76 Handheld Blender (Report Review)
Sep 07, 2011 by lahiri22
Consumer rating: (4)
I think that the Cuisinart CSB-76 Handheld Blender is a nice product to have on hand in the kitchen if you can afford it. Unlike some other kitchen staples, however, I feel like the Cuisinart CSB-76 Handheld Blender is more of an amenity that is nice to have, but is also something that you can do without. I first tried out the Cuisinart CSB-76 Handheld Blender at a family friend's house when we were preparing Thanksgiving dinner. We were planning on making mashed potatoes and we wanted to make sure that there were no lumps in it. We decided to pull out the Cuisinart CSB-76 Handheld Blender and give it a whirl. I found that the Cuisinart CSB-76 Handheld Blender definitely helped get rid of the lumps in the mashed potatoes, but there were some issues with the Cuisinart CSB-76 Handheld Blender as well. For one, the Cuisinart CSB-76 Handheld Blender is kind of difficult to operate. You need to hold it evenly and move it slowly or else things will splatter and a huge mess will ensure. Be careful with it.