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KitchenAid KSB560 5-Speed Blender Product Reviews

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KitchenAid KSB560 5-Speed Blender

Brand: Kitchen Aid
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 1

Well Worth the Money (Report Review)
Aug 09, 2011 by tona37211
Consumer rating: (5)
When you are hanging out with your friends like I do, you want to have a good time. When I get together with my friends, I want to enjoy a nice cold glass of margarita as well as a pina colada. To make either of these things from home, I need to have a blender that is going to mix my ingredients together in order to have a good assortment of beverages.

With the Kitchen Aid blender, I am able to use the 56 oz polycarbonate pitcher what has a stay put lid that is great for use with a 2 ounce ingredient cup. The pitcher is unique and will allow for the contents to be poured out easily. In order to make my mixed drinks, I need to make sure that I have tough blades that can do just about anything that I put into the blender. I love the fact that it can crush my ice as well as pulse the ice to make the margarita.

I love the fact that my blender minimizes the splattering that it does when I have to add something to it while it is blending its ingredients together.

The Kitchen Aide blender features a 5 speed motor that will allow me from making something simple such as a milk shake to a margarita with no problem. When I am done making one type of drink and need to switch to another for other people, it is easily cleaned and therefore is perfect for switching between one type and another type of drink or ingredients.

The base of the Kitchen Aide blender is made from the die cast metal which is what makes it great for operating at a stable and quiet speed. This is important since the blender is going to make a bunch of noise on its own. The blender is a great thing to own if you like or want to make your own smoothies, milk shakes and mixed drinks. That is one of the reasons why I choose this particular brand of Kitchen Aide blenders.
Pros:  Quiet for the job it does.
Can handle a number of different textures.
Assortment of colors.
Cons:  Could be lighter.

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