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Sleep Number Innovation Series i8 Mattress Product Reviews |
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Sleep Number Innovation Series i8 Mattress (Report Review)
Sep 16, 2011 by lahiri22
Consumer rating: (4)
I was kind of between a 3 and a 4 for the Sleep Number Innovation Series i8 Mattress. I bumped it up from a 3.5 to a 4 because I was feeling generous and because I have experienced mattresses that are much worse than the Sleep Number Innovation Series i8 Mattress. In my opinion, the Sleep Number Innovation Series i8 Mattress is a pretty comfortable mattress to sleep on at night. The top layer of the Sleep Number Innovation Series i8 Mattress is well-padded, which means that you will never feel the springs underneath. This is important for me because I tend to be a more restless sleeper, and I really do appreciate mattresses where the springs are not well-padded or concealed. You will never have that problem with the Sleep Number Innovation Series i8 Mattress. On the other hand, though, I deducted one star because the Sleep Number Innovation Series i8 Mattress tends to be a little on the softer side. I like my mattresses a little more firm for the sake of the health of my back. Overall, still recommended.