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SX130IS Product Reviews |
Recent Reviews View all Digital cameras Products Reviews |
| SX130IS
Brand: Canon
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 1
A great camera for a photo enthusiast or student. (Report Review)
Aug 24, 2011 by Colton
Consumer rating: (5)
I bought this camera hoping for a great camera and video recorder and I was surprised to see how well that it does both.
The recording on this camera is absolutely amazing and it's in true 720P video quality.
The audio quality from the recordings is also very good it sounds as though it's in a surround mode.
The camera takes great pictures with a built in flash detectors it's almost impossible to get this camera to take a bad picture.
I highly recommend this camera to anyone wanting a great camera for the price range.
Pros: |
Best camera you can get for the price,
Records 720P videos,
Good audio quality for recording,
Great picture shooting capability. |
Cons: |
Eats batteries pretty fast. |