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OPI Nail Lacquer - All Shades Product Reviews

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OPI Nail Lacquer - All Shades

Brand: OPI
Rating: (4.71)
Reviews: 7

OPI Nail Lacquer - All Shades (Report Review)
Aug 31, 2011 by lahiri22
Consumer rating: (4)
I think that OPI Nail Lacquer - All Shades are worth it only for special occasions. I think that if you use nail polish on a regular basis, OPI Nail Lacquer is too expensive. I think that for special occasions, however, such as prom, you might as well splurge and purchase a bottle of OPI Nail Lacquer and do your nails yourself as opposed to shelling out even more money to get your nails done at a beauty salon. With some cheaper brands of nail polish, you need to apply several coats, including a base coat and then a final layer of clear nail polish to ensure that your nail polish will not chip in just a few days. OPI offers high quality nail polish that is worth spending a little extra money for on special occasions. You will probably be pleased with the quality of OPI Nail Lacquer, which coats your nails smoothly and does not chip when the polish is dry. I think it can last for several weeks without chipping if you are careful. Applying a top coat of clear nail polish will make your polish last even longer.
Pros:  - smooth coat
Cons:  - cost
the perfect nail polish (Report Review)
Aug 31, 2011 by mrnomnom9
Consumer rating: (5)
i bought OPI Nail Lacquer for my wife on her birthday 2 weeks ago. the says that it looks so smooth and she loves it. she says it lasts forever. the colors are vibrant and beautiful. she says she wont use any other nail polish. she usually where the browns, reds and pinks. the nail polish is so pretty that the modelling company that my wife works for asks her to where that nail polish. they say that it is one of the prettiest nail polishes they have ever seen. and shes not the only one in my family who uses it, my 13 year old daughter uses it as well and she loves it to, i even use the clear coat and i think it lasts a long time as well. the price is a little much but it is worth it trust me. oh my wife also says the color practically never goes away if you put a clear coat over, even longer than most other nail polishes with a clear coat. i think any one who gets this nail polish male or female will not regret it. i think it looks great on any one and the long lasting formula is almost invincible. if you get this you will love this. thanks.
clear looks cool (Report Review)
Aug 31, 2011 by rickrusselrocks
Consumer rating: (5)
I love the clear version of this nail lacquer because it makes everything shine really well in the light and i like that, even though i am male, i think it is ok to use the clear version of this nail lacquer, so don't hate on me just because of that. Anyways, it is a really good quality, and each bottle lasts very long and i guess thats why there is a pretty high price tag (about ten dollars) because even though it looks very small, i decided to go with it because it looked like a very professional thing to get, better than all the low quality brands that give you a lot. I can't really give you a lot of insight about the colors because i always, and i mean ALWAYS get the clear lacquer because i always only want it to be shiny, not another color because i think making it another color is bad and looks bad. All in all it is very high quality, even though it has a kind of high price tag, i think i will stick with this lacquer because it looks much more FULL than all the other mediocre lacquers.
Good quality (Report Review)
Aug 30, 2011 by tessanoel74
Consumer rating: (4)
I first came across this brand of nail polish while visiting my sister last summer. I have to say it is the best nail polish I've ever used.

The brand comes in a wide variety of colors. I usually stick with the browns/ nuetrals. I apply a base coat then the Opi on top of that. The polish goes on nice and smooth.

The polish has a nice shine to it, like if I got it done at the salon. Instead of going to the salon to get a $20 manicure, you can get a bottle of Opi and pamper yourself in the comfort of your own home.

One bottle will last for a very very long time. If you take into account the cost of a salon manicure ( $20) and the cost of a bottle of Opi ($9), you can save at least $200 dollars a year doing your own nails.

The polish also usually lasts for at least a week after application, even while doing dishes, laundry, cleaning and other chores. This is the best part because in my busy life, I don't have the time to always do touch ups of the polish when they chip.
Pros:  lots of colors to choose from. lasts a long time without chipping.
No need to go to the salon anymore (Report Review)
Aug 24, 2011 by efrance36
Consumer rating: (5)
Before coming across OPI, I spent over a hundred dollars a month going to salon to get my nails done because whenever I use my own nail polish, my nails usually aren't as shiny and glossy as when I get it done at the salon. Finally, after years and years of going to salon to get my nails done, I bought a bottle of OPI.

First of all, the packaging is adorable and it comes in so many different colors! I usually go for their pink shades. After I paint my nails with a base coat I apply this and my nails look so shiny, as if I got them done at a salon. Afterwards, I apply a top coat and my nails usually don't chip until the end of the week. In my opinion, it's pretty cheap considering I only use four different colors and that's only spending around $30 a years versus a $20 weekly trip to the salon for a touch up.

All in all, this is worth all of the hype that it is getting and it is definitely worth the price you pay. I've been using this polish for three months and I'm only half way done the bottle. I recommend this to anyone looking for a way to save money from a trip to the salon.
Pros:  -cute packaging
-lasts longs
-many different colors
Cons:  none
Perfect Nail Polish (Report Review)
Aug 24, 2011 by MsDreaB
Consumer rating: (5)
I was never a big nail polish fan before I discovered OPI. I don't go to the Salon anymore because I can do my own nails and they have the same luster and last just as long when I use OPI in the comfort of my own home. When it comes to nail polish I have realized you have to spend a little more to get better quality. I don't mind spending 6-10 dollars on a nail polish from OPI because they last a long time and there is a large selection of colors and speciality packs including celebrity ones. I hihgly recommend going to Ebay or Amazon to get the best deals on OPI nail polish. My favorite is a discontinued color "Keys to my Karma" a beautiful light red color.
Pros:  Extreme Shine
Long Lasting
Bright Colors/Deep Dark Colors
Cons:  Smell is very strong
I love OPI (Report Review)
Aug 23, 2011 by briidope
Consumer rating: (5)
I love the color bath bubbles it is such a pretty shade. I always get compliments when I'm wearing it.
Pros:  Cute shade! Cute name, Not too expensive. Lasts a while
Cons:  none! even though some people think 8.00 is alot for nail polish. its worth it.

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