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Sony BDP-S360 DVD Player Product Reviews |
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Overall pretty good. (Report Review)
Sep 02, 2011 by Colton
Consumer rating: (4)
I received this as a Christmas gift and I wasn't really for sure what to expect being a bluray player so I put it on my front room tv which is a DLP tv and I must say the difference from DVD to Bluray is quite a big jump.
The Sony BDP-S360 bluray player is built very well with zero flaws on the actual unit itself.
The only flaw I see with this system is that the remote included doesn't always send off a signal causing the menu and start movie to glitch on and off in certain situations.
Other than that this player is very nice and does just about everything you could expect a bluray player to do.
It's built very well too the quality of this player is definitely a step above your standard dvd / bluray player.
It's seek time is pretty quick and it doesn't skip at all during movies which is always good.
Bluray movies look completely flawless on my tv and once the player is up and going it never has any issues.
I do believe that there are cheaper alternatives that would probably do the job just fine for bluray playback but this one is definitely going to be built better than most.
Pros: |
Built very well,
Great quality picture,
No skips. |
Cons: |
Remote isn't always accurate. |