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TechSmith Camtasia Studio 7 Product Reviews |
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Great for recording on desktop. (Report Review)
Sep 04, 2011 by Colton
Consumer rating: (5)
If you're like me and you have to make tutorials on how to do stuff TechSmith Camtasia Studio 7 works perfectly.
Camtasia Studio 7 allows you to record straight from your desktop to a small and convenient file size.
The recording on the desktop is absolutely flawless it doesn't skip or pause during any recording.
The audio quality is absolutely flawless as well it's the best screen recording software I've ever used.
It's pretty affordable for what it's capable of and it's a must have for anyone wanting a screen recorder.
It records in true 1080P if you're running at that resolution and it's very easy to use.
I haven't found any flaws with this software yet and it seems to be the best screen recorder software out there.
The conversion speed is fairly quick considering it was taking the videos in 1080P quality.
If you haven't tried it yet they offer a free 30 day trial on their website and I would highly recommend trying it.
This is one of the best screen recorder out there period.
Definitely try it and you'll probably buy it. :)
Pros: |
Great speed,
Records in 1080P,
Great audio,
Fast conversion speed,
Overall great screen recorder. |
Cons: |
none. |