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Atkins Nutritionals Atkins Day Break Bars Apple Crisp Product Reviews |
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Atkins Nutritionals Atkins Day Break Bars Apple Crisp (Report Review)
Sep 23, 2011 by lahiri22
Consumer rating: (4)
I tried out the Atkins Nutritionals Atkins Day Break Bars Apple Crisp when I received a sample from Atkins about their new products. I liked the Atkins Nutritionals Atkins Day Break Bars Apple Crisp a little better than the chocolate peanut flavored one. The taste of the Atkins Nutritionals Atkins Day Break Bars Apple Crisp was really quite nice -- it was not too sweet but still had some good apple flavor. The only main thing that really bothered me about the Atkins Nutritionals Atkins Day Break Bars Apple Crisp was the fact that it was so ridiculously small. I had the Atkins Nutritionals Atkins Day Break Bars Apple Crisp as a mid-morning snack and it literally only lasted three or four bites at most. I guess that is why the Atkins Nutritionals Atkins Day Break Bars Apple Crisp is a weight loss bar. The Atkins Nutritionals Atkins Day Break Bars Apple Crisp is good for those who want a really small preportioned snack to tide them over until the next meal. I would not spend my own money on the Atkins Nutritionals Atkins Day Break Bars Apple Crisp.