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Velashape treatment

Rating: (3.00)
Reviews: 1

No results after 3 treatments (Report Review)
Oct 03, 2011 by Adavliatsh
Consumer rating: (3)
Not even sure how and when I developed a cellulite, but a couple of years ago I just realized and admitted that I have it on my thighs. It is not in a very bad stage but it bothers me a lot. I do exercise, 1-2 times a week only though, but I lead an active life style in general, we hike a lot and go for long walks.
Recently I came across an offer on Internet for an unlimited 1 year treatments of Velashape, 2- Zone treatment for $299. I never heard about Velashape before, but went on line to check some reviews and found lots of good reviews about it, so decided to try it. Price was not bad at all too.
I had 3 treatments so far and do not see any results. I am still optimistic though that it will work, but it needs more time. ( I have an unlimited one year treatments, if I'd have to pay for each treatment I would not be happy at all, because what they say, that sometimes you see results after 4 treatments, doesn't sound true)
Also they told me that if I'm on birth control pills than treatments may not work for me or cellulite may even get worst. So I stopped taking pills.
Also they insisted that if I do not drink lots lots of water, treatment won't work. I like water in general, but drinking a gallon a day became more challenging then I though it'd be. I go to the washroom every 15 minutes. My stomach feels bloated all the time now. Not a nice feeling.
It is a painful process too actually, and I'm covered in bruises now, but they say no pain no gain. I'll give another review after I get more treatments, hopefully I'll see results.

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