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Huawei Impulse 4G Product Reviews |
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Simply Awesome! (Report Review)
Sep 30, 2011 by qahtesham
Consumer rating: (4)
If I can tell about this phone itâs awesome, with the experience of its features I have. If you want to jump to Android pool like the cool kids but no money to shell out for highly priced products like Motorola Droid Bionic, you can get this cell phone cheaper to help you keep off your Android habit. This Huawei is a relatively new hand set maker in the U.S. the handset has made a few inroads in the Smartphone arena. I am happy that Huawei wisely stuck to Google stock design for its Android interface. It has the usual five customizable home screens, and the menu looks and feels like vanilla android. Aside from the default multitouch Android keyboard, I also get the popular Swype keyboard as an option. The decent smart phone features like Bluetooth, WI-FI, GPS, plenty of email support and more. When I was taking photos I had no worries on this camera because it has 5-megapixel with LED flash and 720p HD video capture as well. The calling and the cancel buttons are well visible; the cancel button is in red color while the green color represents the calling button. The device is easy to use and easily portable have to say that my experience with impulse 4Gs HSPA+ speeds is wildly inconsistent. I came to conclusion that impulse 4G is a decent entry level smart phone for AT&T customers. It has workable800Mhz processor and the basic Smartphone features like WI-FI, Bluetooth, GPS and nice e-mail support. Ready to buy the best phone in the market today, this is the phone of your class. Many outlets in UK and USA can be your destination to get this device with a touch of class. My best decision I made to purchase this phone.