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Daewoo FR093 Compact and Slim Refrigerator Product Reviews

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Daewoo FR093 Compact and Slim Refrigerator

Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 1

Equal to or even better than BRAND ones! (Report Review)
Aug 22, 2011 by jonathon
Consumer rating: (5)
I know this is not a known brand so it might be hard to believe this, but I can tell you this works amazing! I have this in my room and it's so much easier to get snacks and drinks now! So convenient and it's really cold so it helps keep your food/drink safe! Here's some details

- From first glance, there's nothing really different from the other mini refrigerators but you'll be surprised when you look inside. There's a dent on the top so it's easy to open.

Now this is the cool part...
- You can set the temp to 1-7. I recommend 6, it's the perfect temp. Sometimes when I put it on 7, it would actually freeze the water! That proved that it's super cold!
- There are a sorta freezer section in there on top. There's a lid to close it too. So if you need a super cold spot, you can put your stuff in there.
- It's really big inside so you can put so many stuff in there: water bottles, soda cans, snacks, etc. You'll be surprised at how much food you can put in there!

Everything is perfect! Don't judge a mini fridge by its brand! You'll be shocked! This fridge helped me soo much and I hope it could help you!
Pros:  - Lots of space to put snacks & drinks in!
- Super cold and you don't have to worry your food being spoiled
- A freezer section which is super helpful!
Cons:  NOTHING! It's perfect just the way it is!

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