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Ziploc Snap Lid Plastic Containers Product Reviews

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Ziploc Snap Lid Plastic Containers

Rating: (4.00)
Reviews: 2

It's not the best. (Report Review)
Oct 13, 2011 by divas12321
Consumer rating: (4)
I love Ziploc products, let me say that. Most of their products such as their plastic bags are just amazing quality. And that's why I thought that their plastic containers would do the same thing too. And that's why I tried it out. In the end though, it's good, but it's not the best and it kinda disappoints me. First of all, it's just like any other plastic containers. There's just nothing special about it. The plastic does not look durable at all. I thought it felt so cheap and it looks like things may leak out of it anytime. The lids close on perfectly in my opinion but the plastic containers just ruin everything. Saying that, I still like these a lot though. I store lots of things in there such as candy and cookies so ants won't come in. It sure keep the ants away though which I applaud. It's also good for containers for work too. I would make food and store it in here for my husband to eat at work. It's really convenient. And also, it washes really well unlike other containers. Overall, it's a good product but it does have some flaws.
Ziploc Snap Lid Plastic Containers (Report Review)
Sep 04, 2011 by lahiri22
Consumer rating: (4)
I actually quite like Ziploc Snap Lid Plastic Containers -- they are comparable to the RubberMaid plastic containers with snap-on lids as well. Basically, the Ziploc Snap Lid Plastic Containers are great for storing dried goods and foods. For instance, I think that Ziploc Snap Lid Plastic Containers are a terrific option for storing trail mix, dried fruits, nuts, or some kind of other dried snack. You can also stick cookies and chips in the Ziploc Snap Lid Plastic Containers and expect them to stay crisp or crunchy for several days. Even though these containers claim to have a tight-fitting lid, I still would not store liquids in these. You never know, you might accidentally tip over the container and end up with some messy spills or leakage. The Ziploc Snap Lid Plastic Containers are great for picnics too, you can put in your food and rest assured that the Ziploc Snap Lid Plastic Containers will keep it fresh. Overall, I think the Ziploc Snap Lid Plastic Containers are a good buy that you can find anywhere.

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