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Clearasil Ultra Overnight Serum Product Reviews

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Clearasil Ultra Overnight Serum

Brand: Clearsil
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 1

This stuff works!! (Report Review)
Sep 04, 2011 by tessanoel74
Consumer rating: (5)
I was a little skeptical at first about this product actually working on my skin after suffering from acne for the past twenty-three years. I've tried many many different brands of products and none have worked as well as this one! Well, actually, this particular formula. AND I was fortunate to pick it up at a 99cent only store! The formula is the Overnight Serum. It comes in a little half ounce pump bottle and you just need to use a tiny little drop for it to work.

Every night after my routine face washing, I squirt a little bead of this serum onto my finger and smooth it over the areas of my face that is prone to acne breakouts. I noticed within a week of using this product that the acne on my face had noticeably decreased in size and amount! Especially on my forehead area.

I would also put a little extra on at night when I've been eating greasy foods or chocolate that day. Or when I know my cycle is about to start because that is when I break out the most.

All in all, I am super pleased with this product. I've had the bottle for about 4 months now and there is still more than half of the bottle left.

This product is readily available at most mass merchants, so when I finally do run out, I can easily go get another bottle.
Pros:  it works!
is reasonably priced
can be found easily at Target/Walmart

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