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Baby Trend Travel System Stroller - Gray Mist Product Reviews |
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Garbage after 7 months (Report Review)
Aug 22, 2011 by lovell3
Consumer rating: (1)
We purchased a travel system hoping it would last us a while. After 4 months, the tires would not hold air. When I contacted Baby Trend, the tires were not included in warranty. After paying $45 to replace 3 tubes, the seat back adjuster snapped while my daughter was snacking in the stroller sending her into recline nearly choking on her snack. We only used the car seat 4 months before switching to a convertible. It has a very short shell and will not fit the average infant to a year even if they stay under the 22 pound limit. The handle has to be down in the car with a full inch of clearance making it impossible to fit in many small cars.