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K2 Raygun Snowboard 2012 Product Reviews

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K2 Raygun Snowboard 2012

Brand: K2
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 1

Great Board (Report Review)
Sep 27, 2011 by Dakota
Consumer rating: (5)
The K2 Raygun comes with all terrain rocker, ICG 10 glass/ carbon laminates, a hyper progressive side-cut (which initiates turns unbelievably smoothly) and an extruded 2000 base. The Raygun is a wicked all-mountain and pow riding board which was great fun charging around the mountain and through the deeper and choppy stuff. It’s not really designed to attack the park, although you can still bust out your usual tricks, in my opinion it’s just not ideal. The all terrain rocker works like a treat when you are charging and it’s near enough impossible to catch an edge no matter how fast you’re riding or how sketchy the snow goes.

Personally I’m not that used to riding directional boards and prefer riding true twin tip boards, I guess I’m not used to having a longer nose and shorter tail, but if riding switch isn’t as important to you as having all terrain and conditions versatility then you can’t really go wrong with the Raygun! The biggest surprise about K2’s all new entry level all mountain deck is how quick this board was even though it has an extruded base. The K2 Raygun is a board worth looking at if you are an intermediate all-mountain rider looking for a bargain.

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