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Char-Broil H2O Charcoal All-in-One Grill / Smoker Product Reviews |
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Char-Broil H2O Charcoal All-in-One Grill / Smoker (Report Review)
Nov 01, 2011 by briidope
Consumer rating: (3)
For my first smoker I was not expecting a lot. When I bought the Char-Broil H2O Charcoal All-in-One Grill / Smoker it seemed easy enough to use, that is, once we put it together. It took about an hour for my to assemble the Char-Broil H2O Charcoal All-in-One Grill / Smoker. When it was time to use the Char-Broil H2O Charcoal All-in-One Grill / Smoker I was wary of how it would perform. The Char-Broil H2O Charcoal All-in-One Grill / Smoker is built awkwardly and I cannot directly put water or wood in it. I thought that was a major downside because y'know, how am I supposed to cook my food if there wont be enough smoke. However, I did like that the Char-Broil H2O Charcoal All-in-One Grill / Smoker was electric so that I do not have to keep checking on it. I dont think that the Char-Broil H2O Charcoal All-in-One Grill / Smoker was insulated well or at all because it seemed to get really hot on the outside and it peeled some of the paint. Without the shine of the black paint it justs looks years and years old. I am pretty sure there are better smokers out there so keep looking.