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Viking VGIB151T Propane Grill Product Reviews |
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Viking VGIB151T Propane Grill (Report Review)
Nov 01, 2011 by briidope
Consumer rating: (4)
I love the Viking VGIB151T Propane Grill because it has so many great features that I fell in love with. First, it has a push button ignite so you do not have to fuss around with knobs and all.The Viking VGIB151T Propane Grill also can also cook things from steak to delicate things like seafood or vegetables. The Viking VGIB151T Propane Grill has really hot temperatures cooking your food quickly and also keeping the juices in. The Viking VGIB151T Propane Grill has a removable drip pan making clean up a breeze. I like that the Viking VGIB151T Propane Grill comes with a stainless steel cover to protect it. I would recommend the Viking VGIB151T Propane Grill to anyone that wants a reliable easy to clean grill that cooks a variety of foods and also does it well. The Viking VGIB151T Propane Grill is a great grill to have and has not caused me any problems since I have bought it. The Viking VGIB151T Propane Grill was made to please and that is exactly what it does. This is a great grill for the backyard bbq to cook things like hotdogs and hamburgers also.