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Craftsman Snowblower Model 88970 Product Reviews

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Craftsman Snowblower Model 88970

Brand: Craftsman
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 1

Craftsman Model Number 88970 (Report Review)
Aug 11, 2011 by tona37211
Consumer rating: (5)
I had to purchase a snowblower for my parents who live in an area where there is a lot of snow during the winter. For me, I do not mind shoveling or using a snowblower but if I had to I would choose to plow my driveway. I do not own a vehicle big enough to handle a plow so I was already purchasing a snowblower for myself. When I noticed that they had a sale on snowblowers, I decided that I should go ahead and purchase an extra one for my parents.

During the sale I noticed that there were quite a few Craftsman snowblowers on sale and decided that while I was getting one for myself, I would get for them and found the perfect one on sale. The one that I purchased for them was the model number 88970. The snowblower for them had a good price for the features that it held. I especially liked the fact that it was able to be controlled by a single hand operation and that it offered an extended chute.

I always said that if I was purchasing a snowblower, that I would not purchase one that did not offer a electric starter and therefore when I found out that it did have an electric start I was even more attracted to it. There was some downsides to it such as I would have to pay extra for the headlight option as well as having no power steering for the unit. I would recommend this snowblower to individuals who had a medium to large size driveway as well as any sidewalks that would need to be unburied during the winter months. My driveway is not large enough to handle this snowblower and I could not see spending anymore money than I need to on a item that I would not need to use as much as my parents would. They have a much larger driveway and quite a bit of sidewalk and therefore, they use this snowblower all winter long and sometimes several times a day.
Pros:  Features an electric starter.
Cons:  Should have a built on headlight.

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