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Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle Stroller Product Reviews |
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Made for the country (Report Review)
Aug 15, 2011 by DGSFreelancer
Consumer rating: (4)
We bought this Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle Stroller for my daughter and her husband who are farmers. They live in the country, 40 minutes from town and are real outdoors people.
Everything they own is durable and is required to be in order to endure the rugged and rough country living. I figured a stroller with large rubber wheels and a solid farm would be the only option for them.
My son in law called a few months after getting the stroller and he was very excited. He said he started jogging and walking again every morning before getting to farm business, and he is able to bring our grandson with him with this stroller. He says he takes the gravel roads and beaten cow paths and the stroller hold its own. To hear his delight over his walks with his baby boy made me happy and somewhat proud of my gift to them.
There is another baby on the way for our farming family, and I am pretty sure the Mountain Buggy will be there for this one.
Mountain Buggy Urban (Report Review)
Jul 24, 2011 by LW
Consumer rating: (5)
We bought this stroller 3 years ago and we love it. It is vert durable and versitale. I purchase a bassinet to go with it and would recomend for kids under 6 months old. Mountain Buggy Urban has big wheels which provide with a smooth ride even if the road is not. Within 3 years of using it , you almost cannot see any signs of wear. It is an adjustable handle , which is great , since my husband is 6'4" and i am only 5'7". It is not a compact stroller and a little awkward to put in and out of the car, so we have a lightweight stroller for short trips to the mall, etc.. The reality is, you will never find one stroller that will be good for everything. Mountain buggy is excellent for walking, hiking, long walks, etc..