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LG 55LW6500 55" 3D HDTV-Ready LCD TV Product Reviews

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LG 55LW6500 55" 3D HDTV-Ready LCD TV

Brand: LG
Rating: (4.00)
Reviews: 1

Home Theatre 3D TV (Report Review)
Aug 11, 2011 by DGSFreelancer
Consumer rating: (4)
We needed a big TV in order to finish off and give our 24’x36’ entertainment room a big screen. I went to the nearest Future Shop and had many brand names in mind like Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, even RCA. I was very partial to Sony since our living room already has a 32” LCD TV in it and we’ve had it for over 6 years without incidents, the picture still looks good and it hooks up well to our home entertainment system.
Once I arrived at the store, I entered the TV department and was sold on the Lg 55” 3D TV. It has all the features I need for our theatre room like size, sound, and clarity, plus many more other features I might not even have to use. What is really impressive however, is the 2D to 3D conversion; it is very clear and crisp 3D viewing. Watching action movies in 3D is awesome; there is a no better way of watching a car chase that ends with an explosion in cinema 3D.
The TV came with two sets of eye glasses. The glasses were not too bad however since they were light and comfortable to wear. We mounted the 55” HDTV on the far wall of our movie room, hooked up the sound system, and DVD player to it. I turn it on and was surprised to see that the TV was reading our Wi-Fi modem instantly without any technical snags, so we had endless apps to look up on the Internet...great way to stream videos.
The TV is the perfect size for our theatre room, Lg is a good brand, and so far we have had no problems with the Lg 55” 3D high definition LCD TV. It cost us $2000, which included the wall mount and glasses, and I hope this TV is the last one we have to buy.
Pros:  Picture quality from 2D to 3D. Easy to set up
Cons:  3D glasses can be expensive.

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