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Maytag MEDC300XW Dryer Product Reviews |
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Quiet Dryer and A Good Dryer at that. (Report Review)
Aug 12, 2011 by tona37211
Consumer rating: (4)
When you have a big family like I do, you have to have a dryer and washer that is capable of handling the clothes on a daily basis. I have plenty of dirty clothes everyday and therefore, I often have to make multiple loads of dirty laundry before I am able to wash and dry. With the Maytag MED300X I have more than enough room since the capacity of the dryer is at 7.0 cubic feet. This has more than enough room for me to be able to wash and dry a larger load of laundry.
The GentleBreeze drying system will dry the clothes quickly and will make sure that they dry evenly for the best results. This is important for me since I have towels that are larger and need to be completely dry before I am able to fold and put them away.
I also enjoy this dryer since it allows me to not over dry the laundry since it has the intellidry sensor. This cuts back on the risk of over drying and it also cuts back the chance that the dryer is going to shrink any of my clothes. This is extremely important since I have a baby and all his clothes seem to shrink whenever I used my old dryer.
I also enjoy the fact that when I use this dryer, there are very little noise that comes from my laundry room. I hated that everytime I used to wash and dry my laundry with my older washer and dryer, you could hear it throughout the whole house. With the new system, you do not have to hear the noise and its so peaceful that while my kids are sleeping, I can catch up on all my laundry. This is exactly what I wanted when it came to a new washer and dryer. A matching pair that does a great job.
Pros: |
Is extremely quiet. |
Cons: |
Could have more functions but for a basic what can you expect. |