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Samsung Galaxy S II Smartphone Product Reviews |
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Innovative and Durable! (Report Review)
Sep 30, 2011 by qahtesham
Consumer rating: (4)
Samsung Galaxy S 2 has the speed that really impresses me, the dual-core processor, a large, gorgeous display and excellent cameras. I like the camera because I take my photos without any worries, pictures are crystal clear. It is also up to date with android 2.3 Ginger head. But the most things that annoy me is that it lacks a hardware camera button, and am forced to remove to battery to access the microSD card slot. Call quality could be better. Despite my few complains it hit all high notes, making the unlocked handset Samsungs most advanced and successful Smartphone today. Although slimmer and squarer than antecedents, it comes strong with glossy black surface and large touch screen. Am not disappointed by its weight, it weighs only 4 ounces. Most of the time I prefer to use the touch screen which is with WVGA 480 x 800 pixel resolutions and support for 16 million colors. Above display there lies camera of 2-megapixel and a home button below it. There is the volume rocker on the left hand side of the phone and the power button on the right. On the other thing that I didnât like is the plasticy body I would have preferred soft touch or metal although it would have added some bit of weight. I was so far impressed by its performance, the screen and camera not forgetting battery life. All in all this entire phone is amazing and I would recommend anybody looking for Smartphone to rush for this type. Ditching your current phone for this phone is the best decision you can ever make. I can make calls from a noisy place with this gadget without many complications at all. Am not ashamed to be on the safer side with this Samsung Galaxy s 2.